Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Today's post will be short and sweet. Are you curious about what your favorite fabric designers look like? Here are a few. Despite the fact that Sandi Henderson seemed to be near me every time I said her name, alas, I didn't get a picture of her (but many of her AWESOME booth). So, no pictures of Sandi, but here are some others for my fellow fabric junkies.

Pillow & Maxfield

And while we're on Pillow & Maxfield, take a look-see at this amazing quilt hanging in the Michael Miller compound (too big to call it a booth!).

Here's Valori Wells in her booth and with her mom. She has a new line coming out called Nest. Exciting news for those of us who like to make garments - Nest includes a handful voiles and corduroys.

Tina Givens had the best display ever!! Photos do not do it justice. She and I had a nice little chat about one of her patterns that I made last year. She asked me how it went and I said, "isn't it missing a piece?" She concurred and we shared a laugh.

Here's another shot of her booth:


  1. So...I read all the posts...great market photos and recap!

  2. Okay, I love love love Valori Wells! She was just so nice and lovely, and I'm so glad I got to chat a bunch with her! And Tina Givens? So cute!
